This is Stage One (beta) of an innovative initiative aimed at raising funds and increasing membership for conservation organisations like yours and it’s for free, no cost to your organisation.
At the moment this version of the site has limited functionality, compared with what we have planned. However by becoming a member now, which cost nothing, you can immediately embed any video clip or image from this site into your own website if you think it will help. You can also use visit and use any video clip from there, if you think it will help.
If you are a member of Google Adsense you will also earn a percentage of the advertising revenue generated by the clip.
If you have an online shop you can include any of our products, which give you between 30%-50% revenue share. If you don’t have an online shop we can supply you with PayPal buttons which sit under the video clip. If the viewer likes the clip they can click on the PayPaL button and buy a DVD of the documentary the clip comes from and you get 30%-50% of the sale price.
In Stage Two we will have a fully integrated ‘white label’ online shop. This means we can supply you with a complete online shop badged and branded as your own. All for free. Along with eMarketing modules, Membership Expansion Module and a whole lot more.
So in brief however, we offer your organisation:
- 50% of any donation or subscriptions made to the Before It’s Too Late Conservation Community when the donor identifies your organisation as the recipient
- Up to 50% of revenue generated through sales of our and our associates products through your website and your other outlets; and through links between your website and our online shop.
- Revenue share through Google AdSense generated by our clips on your website
- We will also in Stage Two be offering to find your organisation sponsors and advertisers.
In return we ask you to:
- Stay true to your mission
- Participate in the community
- Help us build the world’s best Knowledge Base for wildlife and nature
- Help us by monitoring information and informing us or correcting any wrong or misinformation
Together we can make a difference, before it’s too late.